I have a few pics but I need to take more I have just been really busy with work.
Just for fun here is a short list of stuff that bugs me here and a list of stuff I think is cool.
The train kind of like the trains they take in Narnia obviously before they go to Narnia. Really cool to ride.
The fact that the ocean is so close.
How nice people are.
How many hot blondes there are......
That I got a new BMW pics coming soon
That most people speak English
That I had to drive a clown car(Toyota Yaris ) rental until I got my BMW. I have pics coming soon.
That hamburgers here have cucumbers instead of pickles.
That the fry sauce taste like poop.
That I can't find Mt Dew.
That my Internet blows chunks.(I will ave fast Internet when i move into my house)
That I don't speak Danish Yet. (I am learning)
That some of my electronics don't Work yet namely my xbox aghhhh
Ok so on to the pics.
One funny story one of my bosses told me they had American Stores out here that sold American products grocery type stores. I asked one of the other partners about it and he though I just meant grocery stores so he gave me a list of them I was like wow there are several right by my flat. He said yes there are. Later I said I couldn't find the American store he said why do you call it American store I said cause I was looking for a store that just sold American foods and drinks he said oh I thought you just meant a grocery store. He said he though I was just being arrogant and calling all the stores American stores ha ha.
Ok on to the pics.